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Week 1

HTML & CSS - Introduction to Web development


Refer to the suggested resources to make sure you are aware of the listed topics once you complete the week.

Basics of Web

  • HTML

    • Tags
    • Forms
    • Elements
    • Attributes
    • Headings
    • Hyperlinks
    • Adding images
    • Tables
    • Lists
    • Favicon
    • Adding comments
  • CSS

    • Methods for adding CSS to a webpage
    • Selectors
    • Colors
    • CSS box model (borders, margin, padding)
    • Flexbox
    • Fonts
    • Lists
    • Shadows
  • [Mandatory] Create an account on Freecodecamp and start the “responsive web design” course (Responsive Web Design Certification | ). Complete the first two projects (Survey form and Tribute page)

  • Once you complete the above topics

  1. Create an account on replit(Sign Up - Replit ) and try some HTML there: Follow this doc: Learning HTML and CSS by building a 90s-inspired website | Replit Docs
  2. Download and install Visual Studio Code and use it to create HTML pages locally. (Learn Visual Studio Code in 7min (Official Beginner Tutorial) Watch this if you are new to VSCode, skip the non-HTML parts)


Students need not refer to every resource given. Select any 1/2 resources for a single topic.


Youtube Videos

Can use videos 1 - 5 in this playlist. You may skip over to the start of the HTML topic(towards the end) in the case of the first video.


Weekly Practical Tasks

Use the HTML and CSS topics learned in the week to design a webpage and showcase it


Link to sources used for creating this week's curriculum (if any). Students can ignore this section. This section is for the reference of reviewers only.

  • Viorel's Tutorial: Front End